Champion Shift – Game Review


Champion Shift – In the era of technology and social media explosion, small game makers can also become the center of attention, because their products have created a “new breeze” that breaks the boring repetitive formulas of the past.

Among them, Vampire Survivors is no exception. At the time of its launch in 2022, the game became a global “fever”, you can hear this name in almost every newspaper page, every gaming forum.

The game was even nominated for “The Game Awards” that year among many more “famous” names!

The success of Vampire Survivors created a sub-genre of the “bullet hell” game style (in which the player must dodge the “rain of arrows and storms of bullets” from the enemy), called “bullet heaven” (in this game style, the computer enemy must dodge the “storm of bullets” from the player), along with many other successful “copycat” publications such as Brotato, 20 Minutes Till Dawn, HoloCure good Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor.

Of course, the appeal of Vampire Survivors Not only PC and console, but also the mobile gaming market is affected more or less.

Even though two years have passed, the heat of this genre has not decreased as the number of games released is still… “as many as the Yuan army”, and Champion Shift is one of them.

So, among a sea of ​​games of the same genre, Champion Shift What new points does it bring to players? Let’s review the following article with Vietgame.Asia!



Have you ever thought about the day you would see King Arthur or the goddess Athena… transformed into a car?

Surely this image has never existed in your subconscious, right?

If your answer to the above two questions is never, then you are probably like the writer. That is until you see the trailer of Champion Shift.

It’s really not “false advertising”, right from the first moments of entering the game, you will see the hero Arthur transform into a car to escape the enemy, exactly like Transformers So!

Like many games with the “bullet heaven” gameplay, Champion Shift The gameplay is very simple and you almost don’t need to learn anything. All attacks in the game are completely automatic, you just need to move and dodge to ensure you survive as long as possible.

While moving on the map and defeating enemies, they will drop experience points, which you need to collect to level up. When entering a new level, you will be given the option to unlock/upgrade skills to be able to confront stronger enemies.

This loop will continue until you defeat the final boss and unlock more difficult levels. The gameplay is extremely simple, easy to understand and… almost any game of this genre has the same mechanics.

Transforming into a vehicle is not only a fun “color” mechanism to support movement, but you can also “upgrade” them with high-level weapons to bring into combat, such as shooting shotguns, ballistic missiles or… whipping plasma whips at enemies. More specifically, they possess extremely powerful damage, much stronger than normal skills.

Luckily, these chariots have a duration that will decrease rapidly as you move or take damage.

What’s new? Champion Shift brings more than just letting you see the gods transform into cars, but SRG Studios also brings more depth to this purely entertaining game genre by mixing in some roguelike mechanics and having a clear meta progression.

This includes the arrangement of tasks in each level for players to perform, making the game easier to get used to, especially for those who are new to this genre. The types of tasks are also quite diverse, including survival, taking down targets, collecting ancient artifacts and bringing them to designated locations, etc.

Once you complete all three missions, the boss of the level will appear. Defeating them will take you to the next level, where you can choose to move on to a new area, or continue with a more difficult level of the current area. Additionally, once you have gone through all five areas, you can go straight to “scooping” the final boss!

Champion Shift

If you meet certain requirements, new characters and skills will be “unlocked” for you to experience. Although the number of characters at the moment is not too large, they have enough unique features to keep the game fresh.

At the end of a turn, you will be allowed to use the resources you earn to upgrade your stats and open up more new ways to play.

Of course, you will need to invest a fair amount of resources to be able to unlock passive skills or “overpowered” stats in the game. Champion Shift. A little secret is to upgrade all the points related to transforming into a car, they are extremely cool!

…SRG Studios also brings more depth to this purely entertaining game genre by mixing in some roguelike mechanics and having a clear progression.



Although there are many new ideas that make the gameplay a bit “smoother”, Champion Shift but has many flaws that make the playing experience not complete.

First of all, the game’s feedback when you level up and select skills while playing. You won’t know when you can upgrade unless you look at the left corner of the screen. When you do, they don’t feel as “satisfying” as their peers in terms of sound and visuals.

Besides, after choosing all the skills and unlocking passives, the rest of the game revolves around increasing skill damage, and they’re not really that significant!

But why bother making them stronger? They can’t compete with the power of your chariots. You need damage? You need speed? You can do all of these things when you transform. So just spend all your resources upgrading them!

While creating a variety of missions during gameplay helps to take the genre’s already simple formula to a new level, Champion Shift But there is a fatal weakness in the poor level design.

Some levels are extremely confusing with two or three floors forcing the player to run around in circles to find the designated target among the “sea of ​​enemies”. Sometimes, you will have to run from corner to corner to defeat the enemies to collect the artifacts and bring them back to the designated area. What torture!

Furthermore, some enemies die but their skills are still on the map, or some poison zones fall from the sky and… float in the space that you will encounter throughout the game.

Champion Shift not really perfect, but perhaps should just stop at an Early Access version at this time and continue to improve in the future.

Champion Shift But it has many flaws that make the playing experience not complete.

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